Smart Techniques To Promote Your Blog Through Free Social Media Platforms

Smart Techniques To Promote Your Blog Through Free Social Media Platforms


Are you hungry for more traffic to your blog posts but you’re falling short on ideas on how to tailor your posts for maximum shares? If you’re eager to deliver a strong source of visitors for your blog, you have to share your blog posts through the appropriate social media channels. Read on to know more on the free social media platforms to leverage for best results.

Cross-promotion in social media – What does it mean?

If you have to cross-promote your blog posts in an effective manner, you just can’t display the same message on every social media platform. Rather you have to edit the message as per the platform and its audience.

In case you’re trying to promote your latest blog post through the social media, the way you write up for your Facebook friends will be much different from the way you write for your business friends on LinkedIn. If you’re on Twitter, you have to limit your message to 140 characters. Hence the message has to be to-the-point and simple. Such is the social media’s impact on blogging.

Each social media platform demands different rules for blog post promotion. The images and number of characters that are allowed varies. You also may have to add hashtags and @ handles to make your content searchable. This will connect your post directly to followers.

Shareable social media platforms

1. Share your post on Facebook

Through Facebook, you can market your blog post through the social media pages, through your profile and among groups. A post written in Facebook can contain 10,000 characters but the first 480 characters are visible on your timeline while the remaining post is there behind the ‘See More’ link. Therefore, it goes without mentioning that you have to feed in the entire essence of the post within the first 480 characters.

2. Share the post on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social media platform that allows you to post things on your profile, in groups and in showcase pages. You are also allowed to republish the blog posts on SlideShare or LinkedIn Pulse. If you post it on the page of your company, the post has to be of 600 characters. Hence, the most important message should be included within the first 150 characters lest the rest of it falls under the ‘See More’ link.

3. Use Twitter to Tweet

You must be aware of the fact that Twitter is the first social media platform that set forth the trend of hashtags and @ handles to enhance networking and search options. Though Twitter has increased its 140 character limit for posts, yet at the core, this is a short message service for sure. Make sure you include links and images in order to obtain more retweets. Try and add more than 4 hashtags as this will make your post more trending and searchable. You will also get more reactions.

4. Use MeVero To Find and Follow Your Passion

MeVero is the world’s First Digital Passion Incubator which enables you to make your own Passion Circle with selected Passion Mates and chat with them on our very own instant messaging service, the Fireside Messenger. MeVero helps to connect and stay updated globally with your personalised Feed screen through posts & media sharing. MeVero also provides an array of online creative tools for your creations. MeVero offers Life Coaching or as we call it Life Navigation service for helping people walk towards achieving their goals and pursue their passion.

Read more: What are the benefits of an efficient telemarketing?

Apart from this, you can play MeVero Referral Game and earn $1500 (₹ 100,000). This is an exciting platform for making money apart from social media blogging.


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